Commute Options

Commuters in Spokane County have many options when it comes to leaving their cars at home. Why drive alone to work, when there are less expensive ways to get there? But don't just take our word for it. Check out the Commute Cost Calculator to determine what your commute actually costs and how much you could save by using one of seven other commute modes.

The Benefits of Carpooling The benefits of Vanpooling! The benefits of riding the bus! The benefits of bicycling The benefits of walking
The benefits of a compressed works schedule The benefits of teleworking A guaranteed ride home program



Carpooling is one of the most flexible and convenient ways to share the ride. Not only do you have someone to chat with during the drive, you People riding in a carpool together.can cut your commuting costs in half by carpooling with one other person and even more if you add additional people to your carpool.

Here are some other added benefits:

  • Reduce wear and tear on your vehicle
  • Improve our community by reducing traffic congestion and air pollution.
  • Get a carpool parking space closer to the door.
  • Save on parking fees.
  • Relax and enjoy the ride when it's your turn to be the passenger.

For help finding a carpool partner, go to, a free and confidential ridematching service. Once registered, you'll be provided with names of people with similar destinations and schedules that are also looking to save money, help the environment and reduce their commute stress.

You can also talk with co-workers to see who might live near you and may be interested. Talk to your Employee Transportation Coordinator or HR department at work. They can help get the word out that you are interested in starting or joining a carpool.

Here are things to consider when starting your carpool:

  • Discuss and agree on guidelines for smoking, listening to the radio, waiting times, and driving rotation.
  • One person can do all the driving with riders contributing to the cost of the commute, or the riders may share driving and not exchange any money at all.
  • Check with your employer to see if there is preferential parking for carpoolers.
  • Set up a plan for what to do when vacations occur or if someone gets sick.
  • Exchange cell numbers in case either of you have an emergency.
  • Taking these steps may prevent headaches in the future, but again, it is all up to you and your carpool partner on how you set things up.

Carpooling to work is a smart way to share your ride and your expenses. It's also a great way to help eliminate traffic congestion, pollution and reduce your stress. Get started today!


STA Routes & Schedules - Riding the bus is easy and convenient. Find the route and schedule that works best for you.

STA Public Rideshare InfoWhy put miles on your personal car, when you can put them on a STA owned van?

STA Park and Ride Lots - Don't live near a bus stop, go to the nearest park and ride and catch the bus.

Bike Map provided by Spokane Regional Transportation Council

CommuteFinderNW - find a carpool partner or join a vanpool

Telework - find out more and how to get a telework program started