Employer Benefits


Give your business a competitive edge! Commute Smart Northwest works with you to create a commute program to meet the unique needs of your business while giving your employees a better work/life balance!

FREE perks available to your business include:
  • FREE Spokane Transit bus passes or vanpool fares, up to 2 months ($120 value) per employee
  • FREE Monthly prize drawings for participants
  • FREE Bike rack storage, up to $500
  • FREE Emergency Ride Home program, up to $120 in startup funds
  • FREE Safety kits for bicyclists and walkers
  • FREE Turnkey promotional materials including posters, pre-written emails and flyers
  • FREE Resources and personalized assistance to start your Commute Smart program
Join Today!

Cut the Congestion is a one-year grant program being offered by Commute Smart Northwest to Spokane Valley, Liberty Lake and West Plains businesses that have less than 100 employees and are not currently participating in our program. This community-based outreach program encourages employees to ride transit, bicycle, carpool, vanpool, or walk to work and is designed to:

  • Reduce traffic congestion on I-90 and connecting corridors
  • Improve air quality
  • Optimize mobility for goods & services
For more information, please contact Kim Stolz at 509-477-7169 orKStolz@SpokaneCounty.org