2007 Way to Go Awards
Pinnacle Award Winner December 2007
Employer: Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency
Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency and ETC Margee Chambers received one of three coveted 2007 Pinnacle Awards at the Way to Go Awards Ceremony on January 16 at the Davenport Hotel. Voluntarily promoting CTR for over three years and previously under the Spokane County program, Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency is a true advocate for cleaner air!
Management support has been instrumental to the success of this worksites CTR program. The Director, Bill Dameworth, an avid bus rider, sets an outstanding example for employees to follow. In addition, many managers regularly use commute alternatives.
To keep the program fresh, fun and in the fore front of employees, Margee frequently sends out e-mail messages, hangs posters and continually talks up the benefits of CTR, in addition to the clean air benefits. Their worksites CTR elements include bus subsidies for employees who ride the bus at least 60 percent of the time during the month, candy incentives and monthly prize drawings. With a limited budget, Margee utilizes specialty items given to the business for monthly incentives to employees. In addition, she offers home made pastries for employees who take her up on her challenge to use a commute alternative. Of the 20 employees, 12 regularly use a commute alternative which is 65 percent that don't drive alone to work!
In addition to impacting their worksite, they make a huge impact in our community, closely working with the CTR Office to promote and bring innovative ideas and campaigns to over 150 CTR worksites located throughout Spokane County. Margee, a true advocate for clean air, coordinates her daycare schedule so she and her 3-year old son can ride the bus home. Getting the whole family involved in CTR, she and her husband only own one car. Margee's passion and dedication are keys to Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency's success. Way to Go!