2007 Way to Go Awards
Pinnacle Award Winner December 2007
Employer: General Dynamics Itronix Corporation
General Dynamics Itronix Corporation and ETC, Lois Kirk received one of three coveted 2007 Pinnacle Awards at the Way to Go Awards Ceremony on January 16 at the Davenport Hotel. Lois' dedication and enthusiasm continues to grow their worksite's successful CTR program. The many benefits the over 500 employees enjoy are facility showers, personal lockers, locked bike storage, internal guaranteed ride home program, reserved parking for carpoolers on all sides of the building and bus subsidies. Being located near the Centennial Trail is an added benefit for over 15 employees who bicycle and walk to work.
With strong management support, General Dynamics Itronix Corporation integrated their CTR program into their internal Environmental Health & Safety program, including a link to MyCommute.org. The Environmental Health & Safety committee is a tremendous asset in promoting the benefits of the CTR program at this worksite.
Participating in all countywide campaigns, donating prizes and attending all ETC networking events is another key to Lois' success. Adding additional worksite prizes and fun events, such as "Guess the amount of candy in the jar," or playing "Commute Poker," giving away car washes and much more keeps employees engaged and motivated.
General Dynamics Itronix Corporation reduced over 180,000 miles from being driven on our roads and nearly 10,000 pounds of carbon monoxide from being emitted into the air we breathe in 2007.
Carpooling for over five years and now married to her carpool partner, Lois continues to carpool daily with her husband, setting an outstanding example for employees and other ETCs to follow. Her continued commitment and zeal are a driving force for General Dynamics Itronix Corporation's success! Way to Go!