Ken Knutson
Most Valuable Commuter December 2007
Employer: City of Spokane Valley
Occupation: Project Manager
In his new position as Project Manager for the City of Spokane Valley, Ken Knutson is looking for a carpool partner and with only a 3 mile commute he is excited to ride his bicycle to work this summer. A previous employee of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Ken rode the bus to work almost daily for 6 1/2 years with an 11 mile one-way commute
Beginning work in the transportation management center for WSDOT, Ken wanted to set a good example. In addition, Ken didn't like his commuting expenses, so he quickly found a bus near his house and began riding. With kids at home and a hectic schedule, he liked to get on the bus, chill out, relax and listen to music. "It was nice having some down time," Ken admitted. "I also caught a 20 minute nap on the way home every night."
Jana Augenstine, ETC for WSDOT nominated Ken, "He is a true believer! During the Smart Moves campaign, Ken helped facilitate getting messages on the highway advisory radio station and the variable message signs on I-90." Morgan Koudelka, ETC for the City of Spokane Valley says, "I'm thrilled we have gained an advocate for our CTR program." Way to Go Ken!