Maureen McElroy
All Star Coach September 2007
Employer: West Corporation, Downtown
Occupation: Employment Specialist and ETC
It's rare when you hear someone doesn't own a car or they didn't get their drivers license until they were 25. Such is the case with Maureen McElroy, ETC at West Corporation downtown. And, the only reason she got her license was in case she had an emergency with her daughter. Riding the bus four days a week and walking one day, Maureen sets an outstanding example for her nearly 500 employees.
With high parking costs and employee turn over rates, Maureen takes full advantage of her new hire orientation. Handing out pamphlets and talking one-on-one with employees really sets a standard at her worksite. Other CTR program elements include promoting all countywide campaigns, assisting employees with finding bus routes and a small monthly budget.
"It's exciting if you arer successful in helping someone find a commute alternative that works for them," smiled Maureen. "When we reached 100 participants during a campaign, it was very rewarding." Maureen's continued advocacy for CTR and enthusiasm in encouraging employees to give it a try are keys to her on-going success. Way to Go Maureen!