Mike Berube
Most Valuable Commuter February 2007
Employer: Fairchild Air Force Base
Occupation: Information Technology Specialist
An Information Technology Specialist, Mike Berube from Fairchild Air Force Base has been vanpooling to work for five years. The Most Valuable Commuter from last year, Chris Corativo, recruited Mike to his vanpool. When the vanpool got to full, Mike recruited additional riders and started his own vanpool. As the primary driver, he enjoys driving and vanpools to work at least four days a week and usually five.
He enjoys many benefits including a 100% subsidy, less wear and tear on his car, chatting and learning about different topics with the other passengers and saving money. Saving a 40 mile round trip commute with 10 other employees also helps our air quality and traffic congestion. "We are adding a 12th person to our vanpool in May too," smiled Mike. "My son is starting work for Air National Guard and I've already got him signed up to ride in the van."
One of the biggest challenges to vanpooling is transportation for getting around Fairchild. Mike frequently carpools to meetings across base and when it's closer he walks. "Mike's efforts and enthusiasm make his van one of the strongest at Fairchild. He saves an average of 7500 miles per month from being driven which is fantastic," said ETC, Alison Burcham. Way to Go Mike!