John Rodriguez
All Star Coach March 2007
Employer: Washington State DSHS - DCS
Occupation: Support Enforcement Officer, Supervisor & ETC
An ETC for over ten years, John Rodriguez from Washington State DSHS – DCS, has been carpooling for five years, five days a week. With 113 employees, John sets an outstanding example for his employees to follow. Participating in all countywide campaigns, hanging posters and sending e-mails, 70 percent of the staff complete there on-line commute calendar.
With a well-rounded program, this worksite has a recipe for success! CTR elements include 12 preferred parking spots for carpoolers, a guaranteed ride home program, showers, lockers, bike racks, flex schedule, new hire orientation and a $2 daily incentive for employees who use a commute alternative.
A dedicated carpooler, John talks up the benefits of using a commute alternative. Saving money, sharing the ride and having someone to talk to during your commute, less wear and tear on your vehicle, less stress, chance to meet and get to know fellow employees are among the few he uses. "It's challenging to convey the importance of commute trip reduction to employees," John said seriously. "My ultimate goal would be to achieve 100% participation," Keeping his program in front of his employees continuously helps with his success! Way to Go John!