Wendy Linsday
Most Valuable Commuter June 2006
Employer: Valley Hospital & Medical Center
Occupation: Medical Records Clerk
For nearly two years, Wendy Linsday, Medical Record Clerk for Valley Hospital and Medical Center, has been walking to work. Her husband who also walks to work, encouraged her to give it a try when she started working at Valley Hospital. An on-call employee, Wendy doesn't even think about driving to work. When working night shifts, Wendy carpools home with a fellow co-worker so she can still walk to work.
Walking in all weather, Wendy sees no sense in driving to work. Living a 1/2 mile from work, it would take her longer to defrost and remove snow from her car than it would to walk. The walk home helps her unwind from the day. "It's good for the environment and I've also lost 25 pounds since I began walking," smiled Wendy.
Wendy also walks to the grocery store, library, hair cuts and both her and her husband frequently walk to breakfast. Consistently filling out her commute calendar, Liz Kennett, ETC, says "Wendy is a fantastic example of a committed walker. She is so upbeat about CTR and she always has a smile on her face." Way to Go Wendy