Pinnacle Award December 2005
The second Pinnacle Award Winner, Pitney Bowes, whose ETC, Erica Markham continues to grow their CTR program through her dedication and persistence. With employees on many different shifts, this doesn't stop Erica from promoting the benefits of commute alternatives to her 425 employees. With a well-rounded CTR program that includes preferred parking for carpoolers, bus subsidies, showers, covered bicycle racks, CTR intranet web page, new hire orientation and a budget for incentives, it all adds up to a recipe for success.
Management is personally involved, many working from home several days a month, showing employees their commitment to the success of this CTR program. Allowing flex-time for employees who use commute alternatives and supporting their own guaranteed ride home program has been instrumental in increasing participation.
An active and enthusiastic participant in countywide campaigns, Erica is continually putting commute alternatives choices in front of employees. Setting a positive example for employees to follow, Erica walks her talk daily by carpooling to work and goes the extra distance by filling out her employees on-line commute calendars. Participation grew from 34 employees in December of 2004 to 115 in December 2005. Erica Markham's leadership skills coupled with strong management support have been key to this successful and inspiring CTR program.