Cathy Malzahn
Most Valuable Commuter February 2005
Employer: Spokane County
Occupation: Human Resource Director
As the Human Resource Director for Spokane County, Cathy sets a great example for other employees by vanpooling an average of 3 days per week. Cathy has been riding in the vanpool for 5 years and truly enjoys the time it gives her to unwind and relax.
As the HR Director for 1,800 employees, vanpooling does not come without challenge. Cathy is required to attend various evening meeting, is on several committees and visits off-site county worksites during the day. When working late, she makes an extra effort and arranges to carpool for the day with another employee who typically attends the same meetings
Her enthusiasm about the vanpool is apparent. She makes it a point to talk about it around department heads and elected officials. She participates in every campaign and encourages her staff to do the same.
Driving 30 miles one way each day, traffic and the miles adding up on her car got her started vanpooling. Now she still enjoys saving money, not hassling with traffic, but more than anything she enjoys the social aspect of vanpooling. Visiting with everyone and gaining valuable friendships.
ETC, Don McDowell, says Cathy is an outstanding example of a department head walking her talk! With 1,800 employees, Cathy sets the standard for others to follow!
Way to Go Cathy!