Patty Danner
Most Valuable Commuter August 2003
Employer: Spokane County
Occupation: Sheriff Lt./Deputy Director of 911
Hobbies: Cycling, reading & writing
For more than 10 years, Patty Danner has been riding her bicycle to work on an average of four days per week, all year around. With a 31/2 mile commute, Patty enjoys the time she spends on her bicycle. Not only is it refreshing, it has great health benefits and helps the environment.
Patty first began riding her bicycle to work when she was participating in triathlons. "It's a great way to get a workout in," commented Patty. "I also like the fact that when you run or ride your bike for your commute, you're getting somewhere, unlike swimming laps."
In 2000, Patty took a leave of absence and rode her bicycle around the world. She traveled over 18,000 miles on her bicycle in 45 countries. "She looks for every opportunity to share her experience and help others get started using commute alternatives," smiled Don McDowell, Employee Transportation Coordinator, Spokane County. As the Deputy Director of 911, Patty sets the example for her work center by showing the employees what a positive impact can be made by not driving when possible. Way to Go Patty!