Fred Krassowski, Engie-Insight
All Star Leader March 2018
Employer: Engie Insight
Occupation: Senior Director of Business
Fred Krassowski is the Senior Director of Business HR/Business Partnering for Engie Insight. For the last 7 years, when not traveling, he walks 5.3 miles to work every day, March thru October. As ETC Mark Hazelton says, Fred literally walks his talk because it just makes sense. And that’s not the only thing that makes “centsâ€, as Fred also collects money that he finds when walking to work. He keeps a running total to see just how much he can collect.
Fred is very supportive of the CTR program, stating that “sustainable work is what Engie Insight does, and this is central to who we areâ€. The company puts a lot of emphasis on CTR and has what they call The Impact Team. By using commute alternatives, both money and energy are saved, as well as leaving a smaller carbon footprint behind.
Engie Insight has a very large hourly workforce which makes it challenging for CTR, because they can set their own hours. Our ETC, Mark Hazelton, introduces CTR to all new hires, has a dedicated budget to promote CTR and holds monthly prize drawing for participants. They work with STA and offer the employer sponsored bus passes and also have a guaranteed ride home program. They have quite a few employees who work from home and they are also looking at implementing compressed work schedules.
While their CEO understands what Engie Insight stands for in terms of sustainability, in order to encourage other executives in the region, Fred wants to create a business argument, explaining how CTR is good for employees, communities and clients. Social responsibility is key when recruiting new employees.