Jeff Bryant, Inland Northwest Blood Center
All Star Leader September 2017
Employer: Inland Northwest Blood Center
Occupation: Division President
Jeff Bryant is the Division President for the Inland NW Blood Center, and walks to work whenever his schedule allows. He’s a huge proponent of their CTR program! He routinely has communications about the CTR program to his leadership team and staff; addressing how they’re doing and how they can do better.
Jeff feels CTR benefits his employees in two ways. It creates an awareness with his employees to help better Spokane AND it allows INWBC, an organization that relies on the community so much, to give back in a positive way.
He recognizes the importance of creating a commuting culture and the influence his leadership team has creating it! This year he challenged the supervisors, managers, and directors to use a commute alternative at least one time per month AND to offer flexibility for their staff whenever possible.
Jeff allows their ETC, Shirley Mace, the time and resources needed to promote their CTR program to the 180 employees on site. He is also very generous with the use of Paid Time Off as an incentive for participation, which has been a huge benefit to their CTR program.
He believes it’s important for Executives to lead by example and to recognize employees for their participation. It doesn’t take much time or effort, but recognizing your employees can go a long way!
The INWBC was a Pinnacle Award winner at the 2016 Way to Go Awards luncheon. He feels it’s very important for the Blood Center to be active in the community and to be a leader. Receiving that award in front of Spokane County dignitaries and other Executives was a very proud moment for both him and Shirley.
ETC, Shirley Mace, says “Jeff’s door is always open to me for new ideas, incentives and problem-solving. He fully supports both me and our CTR program at Inland NW Blood Centerâ€. Way to Go Jeff!