Mark Hazelton, Ecova
All Star Coach June 2017
Employer: Ecova
Mark Hazelton is the Supervisor of Data Acquisition and Quality Assurance for Ecova. He’s also been the ETC for the last 4 years. He markets his program to approximately 900 employees, and that number continues to grow!
Ecova has a very strong telework program as well as offering compressed work schedules, a guaranteed ride home program and they are currently working on the possibility of offering a transit subsidy.
Commute Trip Reduction aligns with Ecova’s commitment to environmental sustainability, so Mark is fortunate that he receives support from the entire Executive Team at Ecova. Mark also has amazing support from his direct supervisor, Sheri Ehrlich, as well as his co-ETC Jen Taylor. As the co-ETC Jen helps him market the program, distribute information and brainstorm on how to try and get their employees more engaged and interested in using commute alternatives. Mark and Jen came up with bike challenge for May’s Bike Everywhere month.
As the ETC, Mark enjoys getting to know people outside his work group at Ecova that he most likely wouldn’t have the opportunity to meet. He’s served on the Washington State Ridesharing Organization Board, where he had the chance to work with and see the level of commitment from other TDM professionals across the state.
One of Mark’s proudest moments as ETC was winning the Pinnacle Award in 2013. Being recognized for the work they’d done on a stage like the Way To Go Awards Event, in front of dignitaries, executives and their peers was a great feeling!
Mark’s biggest challenge as ETC is trying to change employees commuting habits. But his words of wisdom to other ETCs is “Don’t give up and always make sure to ask…. And then continue asking!