Carl Gross, Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency
MVC - Multimodal May 2017
Employer: spokane Regional Clean Air Agency
Carl Gross is an Air Quality Data Specialist for Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency and has worked there for over 18 years. Carl has been multi-modal through the years. When he first started working at the Clean Air Agency, it was located near downtown by the courthouse. At that time, he would take the bus to work, which he found to be quite convenient. After the agency moved closer to SCC, riding the bus to work became a challenge. He explored other commute alternatives and used them when he could.
In 2012, Carl and his wife moved to Liberty Lake. Carl quickly realized how much is commute was costing him. He came up with a couple different options, depending on his schedule. Option 1 – he would ride his bike from his home to the Liberty Lake P&R and catch the express bus downtown. From there he would ride his bike along the centennial Trail for 5 miles to the office. Option 2 – he would drive to the Mirabeau Park & Ride lot, unload his bike and ride the 9 miles into the office.
Several years ago he added carpooling to his commute alternative options. He began carpooling to work with a co-work on most Wednesdays. However, the carpool ended when his co-worker moved to the west side.
About 2 years ago, Carl and his wife moved closer to the office. He now has about a 1 mile commute. He’ll walk or bike most days. He enjoys the exercise he gets with his commute. He even used cross country skies one time to get to work during the winter.
ETC, Margee Chambers, says “Carl is an exemplary example of a CTR user, supporter and advocate. He was creative in his multi-modal use through the years. He doesn’t have to ride his bike or walk to work, he chooses to!â€