Diane Wulf, Fairchild Air Force Base
MVC - Vanpools March 2017
Employer: Fairchild Air Force Base
Diane Wulf is the Pollution Prevention Program Manager for FAFB. For the last 27 years, Diane has either carpooled or vanpooled to the base. Currently she’s in a 6-passenger van with a 50-mile round-trip commute and rides nearly every day, as well as works a compressed work schedule.
Diane began using commute alternatives primarily because of the financial impacts of a 50-mile commute. However, she also recognizes the environmental benefits of reducing the number of cars on the road. Diane admits that by vanpooling, it does add a little extra time to her commute, however, she enjoys the fact that she has a stress- free commute and can occasionally sneak in a nap on her way home. Add to that the vanpool subsidy she receives from FAFB, which makes her commute basically FREE! She also enjoys the fact that STA is allowing personal miles on the van.
FAFB has cars available for work-related duties, so if she has a meeting in another building on base, it’s very easy to get to. The base is also very bike and walk friendly, which helps when needing to get to places like the gym, post office, or eating facilities.â€
Recently, Diane convinced a co-worker to start her own vanpool, as she had expressed some interest in it. Diane put her in touch with ETC, Josh Potter, and within a week they had a new vanpool at FAFB.
Diane does not like winter driving, so she is very glad that someone else does the driving, especially during the winter!
Since she began logging her trips on MyCommute.org in 2010, Diane has reduced over 64,000 miles and saved over $37,000!!!
Josh Potter says “Diane is an enthusiastic support of the CTR program and she models responsible commutingâ€. Way to go Diane!