Jill Barrett, spokane Regional Health Center
All Star Coach September 2016
Employer: Spokane Regional Health District
Occupation: Human Resource Assistant
Jill has been the HR Assistant and ETC for Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) for the last 3 years. Because SRHD offers flex time to accommodate commute alternatives, she’s been able to carpool twice a week with a co-worker since September 2014.
Jill markets their CTR program to 220 employees and feels fortunate enough to offer free bus passes, a GRH program, bike storage in their garage, showers, lockers, teleworking, compressed work schedules, flex time as well as providing a loaner bike for anyone need to go to a meeting or run an errand.
She enjoys being the ETC and coming up with fun new ideas to promote her program, including giving away prizes to her CTR participants.
Jill gets creative when marketing her CTR program and with a budget from parking funds, she comes up with unique CTR promotions each month. Some give aways include: Silverwood tickets, RFP season passes, commute bags, movie tickets, gift cards, etc. She has also given away gift certificates from local businesses in Kendall Yards, just a couple blocks away from the Health District.
Her proudest CTR moment was achieving a 98% response rate on her 2015 survey.
Her greatest challenge is finding the time to promote her CTR program and coming up with new ideas.
Her words of wisdom are, “Try to make it fun for your employees and keep encouraging them to participate when they can because every little bit helps.â€
Way to Go Jill!