Ginny Bennett
All Star Coach June 2004
Employer: Washington Trust Bank
As the ETC for Washington Trust Bank for the last 7 years, Ginny leads by example. When she first moved to Spokane, she was carpooling with her husband and realized that the bus ran on the exact same route to their home. When they bought a new house, Ginny made sure it was located on a bus route she could use to commute to work.
With exceptional management support (50 managers walked their talk during the 2004 Smart Moves campaign), Ginny markets WTB's strong program elements which include bus, vanpool and carpool subsidies, parking management, guaranteed ride home program and incentives to not only her downtown branch but to other closely located branches. Ginny stated that she "loves promoting the program to my fellow employees and meeting the different people." Her greatest challenge is finding enough time to do everything especially when she likes to give 150% to any project she works on.
Ginny's proudest CTR moments were when she accepted the Governors CommuteSmart Award and Pinnacle Award for Washington Trust Bank. She is also very proud of the fact that she has achieved a 100% response rate for their last 3 measurement surveys and has already achieved their 35% reduction goal for 2005!
Her words of wisdom are" to lead by example." She realizes that not everyone can use a commute alternative, but it works for her and her employees really notice. Way to Go Ginny!