Roger Mohrlang
Most Valuable Commuter June 2004
Employer: Whitworth College
An avid walker, Roger has walked faithfully to work, rain or shine, for 26 years. His biggest challenge is the ice in the winter so he just allows more time, walks slower and avoids inclines.
Roger's interest in walking started 26 years ago when he decided he needed the exercise. He states that he "uses the time to pray" and it gives him" a relaxing break on the way home." For Roger, walking has been his preference for commuting. He has always wanted to live differently than the American culture of the car. He once lived in a Nigerian village where there were no cars and also spent time in Europe where it is the accepted culture to walk and ride bicycles to commute rather than driving automobiles. Whenever possibly, Roger and his wife combine recreation with commuting by riding their bikes part way then putting the bikes on the bus to complete a trip such as going downtown. And, Roger uses a push mower instead of a power mower to reduce air pollution.
ETC, JoAnn Fox, says "Roger is the first employee to turn in his participation forms, to ask more about commute alternatives and express his appreciation for the CTR program. He is also an advocate on behalf of the students for restoring bus service to their campus." Way to Go Roger!