Roger Mohrlang
Walks June 2015
Employer: Whitworth University
Occupation: Professor
Roger Mohrlang, a Professor for New Testament studies at Whitworth University is a truly dedicated walker. In fact Roger’s been walking to work for the last 37 years, every day… regardless of the weather!
Cars have never really been a part of Rogers’s life. During his days as a grad student, living in Africa there was no need for a car. Afterwards when Roger moved to England he still preferred to ride his bike to get where he needed to go. It’s always just been his way to conserve!
Rogers commute is about a 15-20 minute walk each day (depending on weather), but he’s always prepared. During winter when conditions can be icy Roger has spikes for his shoes and an umbrella for those rainy days. Roger considers his commute to be his prayer time and finds he’s relaxed and ready for the day when he gets to work.
When asked why he keeps walking, Roger replied “it’s just my way of life†and he enjoys it very much. Many of Roger’s fellow employees have remarked “how fast he walks!â€, Roger says he was unaware of how fast he walks, it’s just something he does! Roger said his biggest challenge is crossing Division at Hawthorne. There’s been a few “near misses†because of drivers not paying attention when he’s crossing the street.
This isn’t Rogers first time in the spotlight, last year Whitworth asked him to be featured in an internal CTR promotion, which he graciously accepted. The campaign was designed to help promote Whitworth’s CTR program and help prepare for the CTR survey.
Whitworth ETC, Garret Brown, says “Roger truly is a one in a million. I don’t know of anyone else who has walked to work every day for the last 37 years. His willingness to help us promote the CTR program has been incredibly valuable. Roger is truly deserving of this awardâ€.
Way to go Roger!