Angelica Garcia Avalos
All Star Coach December 2014
Employer: WA State Office of Administrative Hearings
Angelica Garcia Avalos, a legal secretary for the WA State Office of Administrative Hearings, contacted the CTR Office in August 2013 looking for ways to help employees with commute alternatives. They were currently located downtown, but moving to the Walt Worthy building east of the valley mall in late 2013. At the time she had several employees who took the bus to work but knowing after their move, transit wasn’t going to be as convenient. She actively began helping her employees with carpools & vanpools.
After moving, OAH became a CTR affected co-located worksite. Between OAH and the Department of Health, they had over 100 employees. Angelica was instrumental in getting their first van on the road this spring. She invited STA and the CTR Office out to her building to talk to all tenants about commute alternatives. She was successful in getting a vanpool on the road from the 5 mile park & ride lot and another from the CDA area.
OAH fully subsidizes both transit and vanpool costs for their employees. Nearly all the judges work a compressed work week and many are able to work from home. Angelica has a 3 mile commute and carpools to work and rides her bike during the warmer weather. Her words of wisdom, “Just keep encouraging employees to use commute alternatives… they’ll eventually catch onâ€. Way to go Angelica!