Lynn Tribble
Most Valuable Commuter September 2014
Employer: Integra Imaging Business Associates
A mission to Africa to visit an orphanage inspired Lynn Tribble from Integra Imaging Business Associates to start riding the bus over a year and a half ago. Being moved by what she saw in Uganda, she knew she wanted to return. She also knew that wouldn’t be possible without making some financial changes.
Since Integra sponsors their bus passes, Lynn decided to sell her car and start riding the bus to work. She realized that eliminating a car payment, expenses on gas, insurance & maintenance, she’d be able to save enough money to be able to return to Uganda. Not only was she able to return, she also saved enough money to build the orphanage a kitchen, make improvements to their facilities and bring plenty of goodies for the children.
“I have met some amazing and beautiful people on the bus, and have connected with people that I wouldn’t otherwise have had the opportunity to meet,†smile Lynn. “Plus I achieved my goal to return to Uganda.†ETC, Danielle Griffis says, “Lynn has made using commute alternatives to get to and from work within her personal life look easy, she’s a huge inspirationâ€. Way to Go Lynn!