Ann Jones
All Star Coach September 2014
Employer: Triumph Composit Systems, Inc.
With over 600 employees, Ann Jones, HR Office Administrator and ETC for Triumph, sets an outstanding example for employees to follow by vanpooling to work daily. With a 10-mile one way commute, Ann has been vanpooling for nearly 10 years and has been the ETC for 6 years.
Promoting countywide campaigns, distributing flyers, sending email messages, posting information on bulletin boards and using the flatscreen communications boards, Ann keeps her CTR program at the forefront for employees. Offering a 50% vanpool subsidy, Ann currently has 17 vans on the road with 175 riders. In addition, she also has about 30-40 employees that carpool on a regular basis.
Ann enjoys helping her employees find a better way to get to work. “I love the look on their faces when I tell them how much money they can save by riding in a vanpool,†Ann laughed. “Sometimes they even want to kiss me!†Utilizing the online ridematching tool, www.CommuteFinderNW.com, Ann was successful in starting up a new vanpool and matching four other employees to existing vanpools. Way to Go Ann!