Beth Mort
All Star Coach March 2014
Employer: WA State Department of Ecology
An avid bicyclist and walker, Beth Mort, Community Outreach & Environmental Education Specialist for Air Quality Programs for the WA State Dept. of Ecology has been the ETC for two years and sets an outstanding example for employees to follow. Her love for biking and by walking her talk, Beth was pleasantly surprised to watch the bike racks go from a few bikes parked to overflowing and not having enough space available.
With 140 employees, Beth’s CTR elements include a guaranteed ride home program, covered and uncovered bike racks, showers, lockers, fleet vehicle for work trips, compressed work week schedules, flex time and teleworking. Working with local businesses, Beth has been able to secure free incentives for her CTR participants. Her enthusiasm and dedication helped her worksite exceed the 2015 goal by achieving a 14.6% reduction in Drive Alone Rate and a 22.1 reduction in Vehicle Miles Traveled.
Beth really enjoys talking to employees about their commute options and is always positive telling them “Don’t compare your commute to others. If it works for you, keep at it. Whether it’s to save money, reduce pollution or improve your health, you are doing a good thing. Once a day, once a week or once a month, it all adds up!†Way to Go Beth!