Marji Evenson
Most Valuable Commuter March 2004
Employer: Safeco Insurance
Occupation: Senior Claims Examiner
When her daughter became ill and needed care at home, Marji pitched the idea of working from home part-time. With management support, Marji set up her home office. Now working full-time at home for the past three years, she proves working from home is beneficial for her and her employer.
"I enjoy the quite of my home, I'm able to focus better and my productivity is higher," stated Marji. Realizing it's easier for her to go to her home office than having SAFECO employees drive to the office, Marji offers to be the back up person for weekends and holidays.
Attending one or two meetings a month at the SAFECO office, Marji works from home an average of five days per week. With everything electronic, Marji enjoys receiving her mail and work through her computer. "She is a great example of how working from home can be successful," smiled Helen Peterson, ETC, SAFECO Insurance. "Marji is a true advocate and is quick to tell other employees the benefits of working from home." Way to Go Marji!