Jonathan McMahon
Most Valuable Commuter June 2013
Employer: West Corporation Downtown
Jonathan McMahon, Team Leader at West Corporation wanted to incorporate more exercise into his day, so he began walking to work daily. Giving up his car over 10 years ago, Jonathan would catch a ride, walk or ride the bus to wherever he was going including work. Dedicating himself to walking every day, Jonathan overcame several challenges including hot summer days and ice and snow during the winter months. Even more challenging are the drivers that are texting and talking on their cell phones and not paying attention to the road. Being very mindful of this, he ensures he makes eye contact with drivers before crossing any streets.
“I have more energy now than I did 10 years ago and I know it’s from walking every day,†Jonathan explained enthusiastically. “It just doesn’t make sense to do anything else. Eliminating driving expenses is another added benefit that I really appreciate.†Sharing his experience with his team and encouraging employees to participate in the CTR program, is important to Jonathan. Proudly, his team has the highest rate of participation at West Corporation.
ETC, Maureen McElroy says, “Jonathan is by far one of West Corporation’s Most Valuable Commuters. Not only is he West’s most dedicated and longest participants in our Commute Trip Reduction program, Jonathan has been a key to keeping our Commute Trip Reduction program here at West successful.†Way to Go Jonathan!