Lori Barschig
All Star Coach September 2012
Employer: Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center and Providence Holy Family Hospital
For over 20 years, Lori Barschig has been the ETC for Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center (PSHMC) and for the past two years has also been the ETC for Providence Holy Family Hospital (PHFH). She markets her CTR program to 4,400 employees at PSHMC and over 1,200 at PHFH. CTR elements at both facilities include vanpool and bus subsidies, preferred parking, secured and covered bicycle parking, showers, lockers, towel service, guaranteed ride home program, weekly newsletter, cafeteria, ATM machine, gift shop and monthly prize drawing for participants.
Reaching everyone and educating employees is Lori’s biggest challenge. Keys to her success are personal touches and communication with employees. Participating in every CTR promotion, attending CTR events and activities, participating on the Way to Go Awards committee for 15 years, having a can do and positive attitude are also contributors to her on-going success.
“Over 20 years ago after my first ETC training class, I recruited riders, started and joined the first vanpool for PSHMC and it started my passion for promoting commute alternatives,†smiled Lori. “I really enjoy helping people! By using a commute alternative, employees save money, reduce stress and have less wear and tear on their car, and they help the environment and community.†Initially Lori thought this was a great program that would benefit her kids’ future and when they had kids it would benefit her grandkids. Now with grandkids, she looks back and knows her advocacy, dedication and forethought are now helping her grandkids and will continue with their kids. Way to Go Lori!