Ginny Donnelly
All Star Coach March 2004
Employer: Premera Blue Cross
Occupation: Human Resources Coordinator
Carpooling to work 5 day a week, Ginny Donnelly sets an outstanding example for her employees to follow. As ETC for nine and a half years, she enjoys interacting with the employees and encouraging them to use commute alternatives.
With strong CTR program elements including a guaranteed ride home program, preferred parking, flex schedules, showers, lockers, a cafeteria and an incentive program for all commute modes, Ginny markets her program to 350 valley office employees and 150 north side office employees. Her greatest challenge is enforcing the preferred parking. "I randomly patrol the parking lot and send out an all employee e-mail if someone is parked where they are not supposed to be," stated Ginny. "Management is very supportive of the entire program,"
A member of the CTR Recognition Committee, Ginny is an active participant and enthusiastic supporter of countywide events and campaigns. The keys to her success are coming up with new idea to promote and implement her program to keep it fresh and fun for the employees. Showing the success of her program, her north side office made goal during their last survey. Way to Go Ginny!