Danielle Griffis
All Star Coach June 2011
Employer: Inland Imaging Business Associates
With a 112 employees at Inland Imaging Business Associates, Danielle Griffis, ETC, has worked to highlight and education the benefits of a successful CTR program to employees. “Incorporating the CTR messaging with our company’s “green†messaging has been very helpful.â€
With the recent surveys in April, Danielle received prompt returns on all surveys and achieved a 100% response rate. It was followed up with the outstanding news that Inland Imaging Business Associates made goal during the 2011 survey process. With strong management support, Danielle’s CTR elements include bus subsidies, bike racks, showers, lockers, internal guaranteed ride home program, new hire orientation packets and monthly drawings for CTR participants.
Offering breakfast and lunch incentives periodically encourages additional participation and provides a great opportunity to network and thank employees for their efforts and support of the CTR program. To further incorporate the CTR program into the company culture, Danielle frequently combines events, such as offering a healthy breakfast to CTR participants that also took part in the Biggest Loser Contest. Way to Go Danielle!