2010 Pinnacle Award Winner
December 2010
Employer: Eastern Washington University
The recipient of one of three Pinnacle Awards went to Eastern Washington University, an employer who is home to over 2,000 employees on a large and multifaceted campus. With an innovative approach and can-do attitude, ETC, Ed McIntire consistently gets the word out about the CTR program. Offering incentives and recognizing participants are strategic and cost effective elements to Ed’s continued success!
Over 7 years ago, Ed relocated his office so employees would have better access if they had questions about CTR. Giving little incentives, such as pencils and notepads, encourages employees to stop in to learn more about the CTR program. With an intranet site and a page dedicated to their program, Ed highlights monthly incentives and posts the winners. Starting the Life Savers Club, each month 20 winners receive life savers for participating at least once. Ten winners receive a smoothie for participating at least 30% of the time. One lucky winner wins a $10 bookstore gift card for participating at least 50% of the time. And if you participate more than 75% of the time over a three month period, your name goes into a drawing for a Commuter of the Month award. The Commuter of the Month is highlighted on the CTR web page and receives an acrylic star.
With management support, employees receive many CTR benefits including a free bus pass, guaranteed ride home program, showers, lockers, and bike racks at several locations on the campus. With eight CTR Committee members, flyers are posted throughout the campus, incentives are distributed and members continually encourage employees to participate.
Taking the initiative this year, Ed started a student CTR program at Eastern Washington University. Promoting it in 30 different locations, publishing articles in the student newsletter, Ed has succeeded in encouraging nearly 50 students to participate and fill out a calendar on MyCommute.org which reduced over 50,000 miles from being driven.
A dedicated and active ETC for over 8 years, Ed walks his talk by carpooling with his wife and niece every day.
On hand to receive their Pinnacle Award was Ed McIntire, ETC, LeeAnn Case, Associate Vice President for Business and Auxiliary Services and Mike Westfault, Vice President for University Advancement. Congratulations and Way to Go!