2009 Way to Go Pinnacle Award Winner
Pinnacle Award December 2009
Employer: The Fernwell Building
The Fernwell Building, a voluntary worksite, has been a participating CTR worksite for nearly nine years. Centered in downtown Spokane, the owner Tom Power and ETC, Holly Coleman took it upon themselves to research secure bicycle parking for not only the employees and tenants in their building but for other businesses to utilize in the downtown area.
Realizing bicycle parking was a commodity and very limited, this employer contacted the Downtown Spokane Partnership for guidance which led them to City Ramp Garage. After several discussions and negotiating, City Ramp Garage dedicated a room in the basement of the garage for secured bicycle parking. And, also committed to increase storage space and possibly add bathroom facilities if enough interest was shown. Due to the dedication and enthusiasm of the ETC, Holly Coleman this partnership is now benefiting many bicyclists from various employers in the downtown area.
This unique employer only has 3 employees but markets their CTR program to all 14 tenants reaching over 80 employees in the building. Participating in countywide CTR campaigns, creating and distributing a monthly CTR newsletter, talking with tenants one on one and offering bus subsidies to everyone in the building are keys to their success.
Starting a Travel Green, Get Lean campaign this summer encouraged employees to pick a healthier commute. Offering incentives including fitness training sessions and free smoothies to participants has greatly increased participation. The owner of the Fernwell Building, Tom Power has been a strong advocate of the CTR Program since they joined nine years ago. With strong management support, ETC, Holly Coleman sets a great example by frequently riding the bus to work and enthusiastically marketing the program to all the tenants of the Fernwell Building.
On hand to receive their Pinnacle Award was Holly Coleman, ETC, Allyson Shoshana, Building Manager and Tom Power, Owner and Leasing Manager from The Fernwell Building. Congratulations and Way to Go!!