Tim Ice
Most Valuable Commuter August 2009
Employer: Sacred Heart Medical Center
A fellow carpenter and bicyclist encouraged Tim Ice, Carpenter and Supervisor at Sacred Heart Medical Center, to ride his bicycle to work. Loving to ride when he was younger, Tim gave it a try. An avid bicyclist, Tim bikes to work 5 days a week and during the winter months he carpools with a neighbor.
Going above and beyond to make it work for him, Tim takes his usual 5 mile route to work in the morning. And going home, he takes a longer route, getting on the Centennial Trail and riding to his wife’s work place so they can carpool home. “I love the transition from work to my bicycle,†Tim said. “It’s invigorating and relaxing.†On his off time, Tim does Century Rides and because of his commute to work on his bicycle, he doesn’t have to do much more training.
With a few bicycles being stolen at Sacred Heart, Tim took the lead and with the help of ETC, Lori Barschig, they now have a secure locked bike cage facility with cameras and it is also visible by the parking attendant. “I use Tim as the “Go-to-man†to help employees with finding a safe route to bike to work,†Lori said. “He is so helpful and positive and he helps out in so many ways with my CTR program.†Way to Go Tim!