Bev Doty
Most Valuable Commuter July 2009
Employer: WA State Department of Transportation
Hesitant to give up her car, Bev Doty, Senior Secretary at WA State Department of Transportation was convinced to join a carpool over 3 years ago by a previous Most Valuable Commuter. Carpooling with men, also all engineers, Bev says there’s not much girl talk, but she loves listening to them talk. She gets updated about work projects, is now a huge Zags fan and has become good friends with all of them.
With a 10 mile one way commute, each carpool partner drives one week out of the month. “I save money on gas, wear and tear on my car and if one of us has an appointment, we just switch it up and make it work.†Bev said. “It’s very convenient and I love not having to drive alone any more.†This past winter when the snow was so bad, Bev couldn’t get her car out of the driveway. Luckily her carpool partners could and she was able to make it to work since they drove.
ETC, Jana says “She is by far one of my most consistent carpoolers,†“She is a great example of someone that never considered carpooling, but now that she does, she wouldn’t go back to being a drive alone commuter.†Way to Go Bev!