Nadine Grady
All Star Coach September 2009
Employer: WA State Department of L & I
With nearly 100 employees, Nadine Grady, ETC and Industrial Hygienist for WA State Department of L & I, sets an outstanding example for employees to follow. Riding the bus 5 days a week, year round, she also plans her field inspections for work around the bus schedule. To get some extra exercise into her schedule, she has the bus drop her off about Â1/2 mile away from her worksite and walks the rest of the way to work.
With a three member CTR committee, Nadine continually changes promotional efforts every month by hanging new and creative flyers, sending email messages and recognizing employees who participate. Another key to her success is reminding employees about their CTR benefits including a $1 each way cash incentive for participants, Guaranteed Ride Home program, showers, compressed work schedules, a state car for offsite meetings and new hire orientation sheet that lists amenities such as nearby restaurants, ATM machines, daycares, banks and dry cleaners.
With many employees needing their cars for the job, Nadine doesn’t give up trying to promote CTR at her worksite. “I have an average of 21 employees participate every month. This past April, I had 30 which is the most ever!†Nadine smiled. “One of our executives also attended the Executive Breakfast and came back very enthusiastic and pumped-up to promote the CTR program.†Way to Go Nadine!