Emily Laughlin
All Star Coach June 2009
Employer: Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield
As the ETC for three years, Emily Laughlin, Site Staffing Specialist at Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield, continually strives to improve their already successful CTR program. Carpooling with her husband, teleworking occasionally and previously vanpooling to work, Emily is an advocate for promoting commute alternatives to the 380 employees at Premera Blue Cross.
Keys to her success are management support and strong program elements including new hire orientation, a guaranteed ride home program, flex schedules, showers, lockers, bike racks, two cafeterias, 28 preferred carpool parking spots and subsidies for bus riders, carpoolers, walkers and bicyclists.
Recently, Emily was successful in changing Premera’s CTR guidelines for their Spokane employees. The guidelines for prorated subsidies were noted by an asterick that was found at the end of the guidelines. Realizing that employees didn’t fully understand the program, Emily pitched it to management and corporate and was successful in combining all the CTR guidelines together in one section.
“I love being the resource person for employees and helping them get the information they need to make an informed decision,†Emily smiled. “I’m looking forward to even more success with the change in our CTR guidelines.†Way to Go Emily!