Brian Gregory
Most Valuable Commuter March 2009
Employer: WA Air National Guard
Occupation: Avionics Technician
Originally from California, Brian Gregory, Avionics Technician for WA Air National Guard, became the primary driver of his vanpool this winter when the regular driver had scheduling conflicts. With limited driving experience in the snow, Brian’s dedication to the vanpool motivated him to take the challenge. Crediting STA for the training, he was able to recognize hazards and use defensive driving procedures that kept his vanpool accident free.
Hearing about the vanpool when he was a part-time employee but his work schedule didn’t work with the vanpool, he immediately looked into it again and joined the vanpool when becoming a full-time employee 2Â1/2 years ago. “There is no downside to being on a vanpool,†Brian said. “It’s a no brainer, especially with gas prices so high.â€
Parking the vanpool at his home, it gave Brian the opportunity to educate his neighbors about the program and about vanpooling. At work, he continually recruits, not only for his vanpool but for the others at the base too. ETC Charlie Cinq-Mars says “Brian is a true ambassador for the CTR program at Air Guard. His dedication driving and getting through one of the worst winters ever is truly commendable.†Way to Go Brian!