2008 Way to Go Awards
Pinnacle Award December 2008
Employer: Spokane County
Spokane County and ETC, Don McDowell received one of three coveted 2008 Pinnacle Awards at the Way to Go Awards Ceremony on January 29 at the Davenport Hotel. Spokane County has a solid CTR program and has been a Commute Trip Reduction leader since 1993. A strong commitment to parking management strategies, work schedule options and offering subsidies for all commute modes has helped to increased commute alternative users at this large worksite. The success of this worksite is a balanced mix of ETC support and enthusiasm, a supportive CTR committee, and sincere management support.
With over 2,000 employees and limited parking, Don takes every opportunity to promote commute alternatives to employees. Starting with new hire orientation, other CTR program elements include a guaranteed ride home program, preferential and free parking for vanpools and carpools, bike racks, lockers and showers. Bus riders, carpoolers and vanpools receive a $33 monthly subsidy and bicyclists and walkers receive a $50 gift card of their choice by bicycling or walking 3x a week for 4 months. Prize drawings held each month also encourages employees to give it a try. Candy is given each month to participants who fill out their commute calendar on MyCommute.org.
Implementing the STA Smart Card early in January 2008, over 520 employees now have the card and Spokane County has experienced a 52% increase in bus ridership. The success starts at the top with management support.
The Spokane County Commissioners support the funding of the CTR program and have contributed and participated in countywide events including the April Travel Green Kick Off Event at the STA Plaza, the Travel Green Executive Challenge and Smart Routes Community Rally to help improve bike and pedestrian lanes and walkways. A dedicated and active ETC for over 10 years, Don McDowell walks his talk by carpooling and working a compressed work schedule. Congratulations Spokane County! Way to Go!!