2008 Way to Go Awards
Pinnacle Award December 2008
Employer: Fairchild Air Force Base
Fairchild Air Force Base and ETC, Will Worrall received one of three coveted 2008 Pinnacle Awards at the Way to Go Awards Ceremony on January 29 at the Davenport Hotel. Will’s passion and commitment continues to grow Fairchild’s already successful CTR program. Participating in all countywide events, his promotional efforts resulted in 103 new participants in 2008. In May, Will heavily promoted Bike to Work Week. Bicycling to work 4 days with a 13 mile commute and working a compressed work schedule, Will set an outstanding example for employees to follow. Twenty-one other employees registered in Bike to Work Week which placed Fairchild in the top four for the entire event!
With an already strong vanpool program, Will successfully coordinated and facilitated the start up of 6 new vanpools in 2008! With 15 vanpools on the road, this worksite eliminated more than 1.5 million miles being driven in 2008. Fairchild is a very large and multifaceted worksite and has many CTR benefits that employees enjoy including compressed work schedules, flex time, a guaranteed ride home program, lockers, showers, bike racks, bus subsidies and vanpool subsidies.
The massive size, high rate of turnover, differing work schedules and high rate of deployment provides a continual challenge for this worksite. With a large CTR committee, or better known at this worksite as Unit Environmental Committee, CTR is continually promoted and in front of employees. Strong management support and a 100% bus subsidy and up to $120 vanpool subsidies have been the cornerstones to their CTR success.
Based heavily on the CTR program, Fairchild won the 2008 White House Closing the Circle Award â€" Alternative Fuel and Fuel Conservation in Transportation â€" Military - Honorable Mention.
A dedicated vanpooler and bicyclist, and utilizing the STA buses on the weekend for personal errands, ETC, Will Worrall is a true believer in the positive benefits the CTR program has in our community and environment. Congratulations Fairchild Air Force Base! Way to Go!!