2008 Way to Go Awards
Pinnacle Award December 2008
Employer: Rings & Things
Rings and Things and ETC, Selina Shehan received one of three coveted 2008 Pinnacle Awards at the Way to Go Awards Ceremony on January 29 at the Davenport Hotel. A voluntary worksite, Rings and Things has been a participating worksite for over eight years. Seeing the opportunity to help the community by reducing trips through the CTR program and by selecting an ETC who believed in the program 100% and who receives 100% support from management are keys to Rings and Things success.
Selina Shehan, ETC, is creative and enthusiast! Every month she creates a new poster, payroll stuffer, emails and updates their bulleting boards with a new CTR theme. With a $50 budget per month and free gifts from office supply companies when they place large orders, Selina is continually putting CTR in front of employees while keeping it fun and attention grabbing! Showing her innovation, she does random drawings for CTR participants midway through the month to keep employees reading her emails.
Participating in all countywide campaigns, Selina puts her own spin on the campaigns to make it exciting for employees. To kick off the Travel Green campaign and tie in the Easter Holiday, she hid plastic eggs all around the worksite. Each egg was filled with candy and information about the campaign. Three lucky winners got a message that said “YOU WIN’ please see your ETC. To conclude the campaign, she gave each participant a Green balloon. At a balloon popping event for participants, each participant received a thank you in their balloon and some employees were surprised to find money too!
Management support is instrumental in the success of this worksites CTR program. The owner, Russ Nobbs is a lifetime bicyclist and sets an outstanding example for employees to follow. His belief in “treading lightly on the earth†is the driving force behind their CTR program. In addition to the owner, many managers support and regularly use commute alternatives. A true CTR advocate, Selina walks her talk by skateboarding, walking or carpooling to work everyday. It’s not something she does for work, its part of her everyday life. Congratulations Rings and Things! Way to Go!!