This November don’t rely on Black Friday to save money! You can Unwrap the Savings just using a commute option! It’s better than clipping coupons, more relaxing than then a department store blitz, easier than finding this perfect gift and you help make the season a little brighter by helping remove traffic congestion and air pollution. And, along with all this, you could WIN prizes that could help you with your own gift-giving season!

When you walk, carpool, ride the bus, bicycle, rideshare, telework or work a 4/10 schedule you’re giving yourself the chance to unwrap the savings and you could WIN one of these prizes!

Grand Prize! (1 Winner)

$500 Gift Card

Weekly Prizes (5 Winners each week will WIN 1 of these prizes!)

  • $100 Amazon Gift Card
  • $100 Fred Meyer Gift Card
  • $100 Amazon Gift Card
  • $100 Happy Dining Gift Card
  • $100 Happy Shopping Gift Card

Month-End Prizes (5 Winners)

$250 Gift Card

Worksite Prize (1 Winner)

$10 Dutch Bros Gift Card

First-Time Participant Prizes (25 Winners)

$25 Amazon Gift Card



STA Routes & Schedules - Riding the bus is easy and convenient. Find the route and schedule that works best for you.

STA Public Rideshare InfoWhy put miles on your personal car, when you can put them on a STA owned van?

STA Park and Ride Lots - Don't live near a bus stop, go to the nearest park and ride and catch the bus.

Bike Map provided by Spokane Regional Transportation Council

CommuteFinderNW - find a carpool partner or join a vanpool

Telework - find out more and how to get a telework program started