We all have an idea of what makes a perfect commute. Saving money, more “Me” time, convenience, a chance to socialize, being green, etc.… whatever makes up your perfect commute, you can find it with a click at CommuteFinderNW.com!

CommuteFinderNW.com is a free ridesharing tool that is a quick and easy way to make the most of your commute by matching you up with an STA public rideshare vehicle (formerly called vanpool) or joining a carpool!

Plus, in September, when you share a ride or use any other commute option and update your commute calendar, you’ll have 45 chances to WIN!

Weekly Prizes Monthly Prizes Worksite Prize Sign-up Prize

(Participate 1X, update your calendar by Monday end-of-day)

  • (2) $50 Amazon Gift Card

(Participate 5X, in September, update your calendar by October 8th)

  • $250 Amazon Gift Card
  • (5) $100 Amazon Gift Card
  • (10) $50 Amazon Gift Card
  • (20) $25 Amazon Gift Card

(Participate 1X, in September, update your calendar by October 8th)

  • $10 Dutch Bros Gift Card

(Sign up for a FREE CommuteFinderNW account during September)

  • (10) $50 Amazon Gift Card

CommuteSmartNW would like to give special thanks to STA Rideshare for sponsoring our September CommuteFinderNW campaign.