All Star Leader, 4th Quarter 2018

Sharri Norman, Guardian

Sharri is the Assistant Vice President, Group Claims/Site Lead for the Spokane Office.

Shari supports the CTR program by encouraging employees to compress their work schedules or telework whenever possible. Sharri herself teleworks on a regular basis. The increase in teleworkers has had many positive impacts for Guardian.

After a very successful telework pilot program, Guardian now has nearly half their staff working from home. Guardian was able to move to a much smaller worksite, which is beneficial in so many ways.

Guardian’s last CTR survey showed a 40.3% reduction in their drive alone rate and a 23.5% decrease in the vehicle miles traveled. Making goal in both categories. There is no doubt, their telework program has had some significant impacts on their CTR program.

Sharri feels the CTR program benefits Guardian because it provides a framework for encouraging employees to reduce commute trips. The CTR program benefits her employees because it provides incentives and reminders for them to reduce their commute trips whenever possible.

The greatest challenge in promoting CTR is ensuring everyone is reading the emails and seeing the promotional materials. In an industry where everyone is flooded with emails, it’s important to be creative on how content is presented.

Sharri feels other Executives should support their CTR program as it increases employee engagement knowing their firm is doing something good for both them and the environment!

ETC, Ann McElyea, says “I am so lucky to have a site leader who is so supportive of me as the ETC and the program on every level”. Way to Go Sharri!

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