Champion ETC

Shannon Cushner, WA St DSHS – DCS

Shannon Cushner is a Supervisor for WA State DSHS – Division of Child Support. She has been the ETC since August 2023 and markets her program to 115 employees. Since COVID, the majority of their employees telework 4-5 days per week. They also offer compressed work schedules, preferred parking for carpoolers and an emergency ride home.

Shannon’s managers fully support the CTR program. Their goal was to achieve 100% response rate for the CTR survey this last spring. Her supervisor purchased treats with her own money for a drawing for those that completed the survey by a certain date. They ended up having 100% participation well before the deadline!

Shannon’s District Manager also donated a pizza lunch as an incentive for each team that had 100% of their employees update their commute calendars in April, May and June. Five teams out of 13 qualified for the drawing.Shannon has nearly 95% of all her employees updating their calendar each month.

Shannon’s words of wisdom are, “Communicate, encourage and educate the WHY and HOW your employees can make an impact and how simple it is to update their calendar and qualify for all the amazing prizes offered”.