Champion Commuter

Mindy Schlosser, Eastern Washington U.S. Probation

Mindy is a Support Probation Technician for EW US Probation. Mindy’s been a long-time user of commute options. Back in 2013, Mindy and her husband would both ride the same bus to work. In 2017, they moved and riding the bus wasn’t as convenient, so they began carpooling. Mindy’s husband works for Spokane County, so they carpool from the northside of town, he drops her off downtown and then he drives back up to the County. Mindy also is allowed to telework 2-3 times and week and works a compressed work schedule, having every other Friday off.

Mindy doesn’t feel she has any challenges to overcome by carpooling. Her and her husband’s schedules don’t exactly align, so Mindy does get to work about 30 minutes earlier than her normal start time. But when she’s done with her day, she enjoys the 15-minute walk back to the County campus to meet her husband.

She also enjoys the savings on both gas and wear and tear on their car by using commute options. Since Mindy and her husband began using commute options in 2013, she’s saved over 31,000 miles off our roads and over $9000 in commute costs! Quite impressive!

ETC, Angie Swan, states “Mindy has been a consistent participant for many years and fills out her calendar without reminders. Even when there were no incentives, she always updated her calendar.” Congratulations Mindy!