Champaion ETC
Jennifer Lavway - TTEC
Jennifer is the HR Coordinator for TTEC, formerly Faneuil. She’s been the ETC since 2021 and markets her program to approximately 100 employees in Spokane Valley. TTEC’s CTR program has changed significantly since the pandemic. Nearly all their employees currently telework full time. Their 2022 CTR survey results show a 91.5% Non-Drive Alone rate and a VMT of 1.8. Significantly surpassing their CTR goals.
Even though their program has changed significantly, Jennifer still actively markets her CTR program to her teleworkers encouraging them to complete their online calendar. Nearly half of all her employees fill out their calendar on a regular basis.
Jennifer feels that communicating with her employees on a regular basis helps to keep her employees engaged. She sends out information or reminder emails 3-5 times per month. Jennifer feels it’s a delicate balance between sending friendly reminders but not flooding them with too much information.
What Jennifer loves most about ETC is being able to tell her employees they’ve won by participating in the CTR program. She says, “I love being able to tell my employees they’ve won and handing them their gift card. Makes me feel like I should be wearing a cape!”.
Jennifer’s words of wisdom are “As ETCs, I’m sure we all have our unique challenges, but I think consistent communication is probably the thing that gets folks on board and keeps them participating.
Congratulations Jennifer!