Champion ETC
Jan Dormady, STA Paratransit
Jan is the Paratransit Admin Assistant for STA. Jan is also a dedicated vanpooler. She’s been vanpooling since 2017 and with a 14-mile roundtrip commute, has saved nearly 26,000 miles on Spokane County roads, and also over $7000 in commuting costs. Jan markets her program to 93 employees.
STA offers free transit and vanpool/Rideshare fares, preferred parking, secure bike storage, showers & lockers, telework, compressed work schedules, guaranteed ride home and a budget to provide monthly drawings. Jan said after completing the ETC training, she had a clearer picture of CTR and how all the commute options made an impact on her program and our community.
Training helped her a LOT! One of Jan’s biggest challenges is the varied shift times and how the schedules fluctuate. Three times per year, her drivers have changes in their shift. Shifts are assigned based on seniority. So a commute option might work one time for an employee, but not the next. Educating new hires of the benefits of their CTR program is imperative. At one of her most recent new hire classes, of 7 new employees, she was able to get 3 of them to participate in their program.
Something she’s very proud of! Her words of wisdom to other ETCs, “Patience & perseverance! It doesn’t happen overnight, but if you build it, they will come! The more you invest, the better outcome you get!”
Congratulations Jan!