Champion Business Leader

Amelia Clark - Spokane Regional Health District

Amelia Clark is the Administrative Officer for Spokane Regional Health District, which employs 300 employees near the downtown area. The mission of SRHD includes promoting health and the wellbeing for all people in our community. Amelia believes partnering with CommuteSmart NW is an excellent way to live their mission.

Amelia supports their CTR program by providing resources so staff can access benefits like free bus passes, covered bicycle parking, showers, lockers, flexible work schedules, compressed work schedules, teleworking, guaranteed ride home, ride-matching service, loaner bike, employee recognition and a budget to provide monthly prizes for participants.

One of their challenges is that a big percentage of their employees that are required to be in the field and need their cars. Another challenge is that they have employees who start their shift prior to transit services being available. However, for those that can use a commute option to get to work, SRHD has an excellent CTR program offers nearly every program element.

Amelia believes it’s important for leadership to ask questions and listen to what their employees’ needs are. Due to COVID, SRHD has been able to increase the number of employees teleworking and/or working flexible work schedules. Their employees appreciate it and feel they have a better work/life balance.

SRHD has a very successful CTR Program. They have achieved the Platinum level for the last 2 years, as well as receiving the Pinnacle Award in 2019. These achievements wouldn’t be possible without strong leadership support and a dedicated ETC.
