Tips for Selecting and Nominating
Select individual employees to nominate based on their demonstrated commitment to using commute options, their enthusiasm and willingness to encourage fellow employees to use a commute option, and their extra efforts to overcome obstacles which could prevent their use of commute options.
Nominate only outstanding individual employees who use the current mode category as their dominate mode (must be over half the commute). For example, if the category is bus rider, do not nominate an employee who carpools over half of their commute trip to meet the bus (this is a carpooler!).
Nominate only individuals for each mode. For example, nominate one employee for the "carpooler" category (not all carpool partners) as the recognition program is focused on individual Champion Commuters.
Nominees don't have to be life-long users of commute options. Individuals who have recently made the commitment to use commute options are also excellent candidates for a Champion Commuter award.
Nominees should be aware of their nomination for a Champion Commuter award and agree to the public recognition which would result if selected (story and photo on, poster with photo).
Get your Commute Smart Committee and/or management involved in selecting potential Champioin Commuter candidates, to increase their ownership and support of the program.
Allow ample time to complete the nomination forms and include input from the individual(s) you are nominating, to convey a true reflection of their commitment and participation in commute options in your written nomination.
Completed nomination forms should address each of the five specific questions on the Champion Commuter form.
Nominations must be submitted on time because all Champion Commuter nominations are forwarded to the CommuteSmartNW Recognition Committee for their review and scoring, on the next business day.