Champion Commuter Interview Questions

The following interview questions have been developed to assist you in gathering information to write your nomination for a Champion Commuter. Please use this as a guideline only.



How many days per month do you use a commute option?

Do you use more than one commute alternative (i.e. teleworking/carpooling, biking/busing)?

Average Number of days worked per month:

One-way miles traveled from home to work:

When did you start using a commute option?

What got you started? (use information collected to answer question #1 on the nomination form - depending on the information given, you may be able to use it on question #3 also)

Did you or do you have any challenges to overcome to make a commute optio work for you (i.e. daycare, bus stop is far from home or work, must flex schedule to accommodate your commute choice, takes longer to use commute alternative than driving alone)? (use information collected to answer question #2 on the nomination form)

Why do you keep using a commute option? (use information collected to answer question #3 on the nomination form

Do you encourage fellow employees to use a commute option?

    If yes, explain:

Is there anything else you would like to tell or share with me about your commute? (may be used in any or all of the questions on the nomination form)


CSC Awards Nomination Forms - Deadline Dec. 15th

  • Pinnacle Award Nomination Form
    Nominate your worksite today! The coveted Pinnacle Award is awarded to a worksite for its outstanding commitment to commute options including ETC commitment and participation, management support, and a firm understanding of the true benefits of trip reduction activities cleaner air, healthier employees, reduced traffic and an overall enhancement of the quality of life in Spokane County.
  • Champion Team Nomination Form
    Nominate your Team Today! The Champion Team Award is designed to honor an outstanding worksite CTR Committee. Many employers have formed committees to assist the worksite ETC in promoting commute options and communicating with employees. Active CTR committees are invaluable at worksites and often come up with fun and creative ideas for promoting commute options.
  • Champion Business Leader Nomination Form
    Nominate your Business Leader Today! The Champion Business Leader Award is given to an individual in management who demonstrates support and leadership for the ETC to successfully implement and promote trip reduction efforts at the worksite. The business leader must be a decision maker for the worksite’s Commute Smart program and have the ability to provide resources to the ETC including time to promote the program, budget to promote and encourage participation, enthusiasm, commitment, etc. Up to four Champion Business Leaders will be recognized for 2024. (Bonus point available for nominating a Business Leader)


Online Nomination Forms
Commute Smart Champion Nomination Forms

Champion Commuter
ETCs can nominate up to three Champion Commuters each quarter, each one being a different mode and you select the modes. i.e. you can select a carpooler, bus rider and teleworker or vanpooler, bicyclist and bus rider, you can't duplicate any mode in one quarter.

Click here for Champion Commuter Nomination Form (Please use same form for up to 3 nominations)


Quarterly Accomplishments

ETCs tell us what you have been doing over the last 3 months to promote and encourage participation in your CTR program. Information will be used to help select the Champion ETC

Click here for Quarterly Accomplishments Form

Tools for Nominating